Material for back of panel???


New member
How important is it for the material on the back of the fiberglass board to be similar to the front? I'm trying to save some money where ever I can and was considering using that weed prevention gardening cloth for the back of the board. But it's not as breathable as burlap. Would this cause any problems, decrease the functional properties of the panel?
I went to Wall Mart and bought the cheapest fabric they had, $1.00 a yard. They also had some fabric that had lint all over it and I got that for .50 cents a yard. I don't think your weed fabric can be bought that cheap.
Would there be any risk of the fiberglass falling off and me kids getting some in their feet?

I've never had that problem, but my kids are teenagers. If it worries you, just cover the backs with whatever you have handy, old sheets would work, unmatched curtains, almost anything (it's going to face the wall so nobody will see it anyway.) Another way to stop particles from escaping is to spray the back of the panels with spray starch, it will stick the surface together without altering it's absorbtion effect to any noticeable degree.
I've never had that problem, but my kids are teenagers. If it worries you, just cover the backs with whatever you have handy, old sheets would work, unmatched curtains, almost anything (it's going to face the wall so nobody will see it anyway.) Another way to stop particles from escaping is to spray the back of the panels with spray starch, it will stick the surface together without altering it's absorbtion effect to any noticeable degree.

That spray starch sounds like it would work. Thanks!