

I laughed at the idea of a "beat" being real music, then I farted

you homers and negroes need to understand this bbs is filled with real musicians and engineers, and they're all assholes.

not really the kind of people that want to hear a few notes that you got off of a loop cd repeated over and over on top of fake drum BEATZ. just a headz up my coloured boiye
Perhaps if you didn't describe every new beat as a masterpiece, indispensible, untouchable, blah blah blah you wouldn't get so much crap, not to mention posting them multiple times- very bad form. Nothing worse than a boaster who also ignores forum rules. That being said, the three newest ones are at least recorded a hundred times better than the old ones.
Windows Media Player cannot play any items in this playlist. For additional information, right-click an item that cannot be played, and then click Error Details. error message I've seen all week!
i dont post every beat i put together.

I make about 2 beats a day average.

You guys see maybe 10% of them.
Zellus said:
i dont post every beat i put together.

I make about 2 beats a day average.

You guys see maybe 10% of them.
How about dropping down to 1 GOOD beat a week, instead of 2 crappy ones per day............?!?!?

Just a thought............. :rolleyes:

I'm like pissing my pants guys did everything but use the "N" word.

Aw, for a loop beat it aint THAT bad. Ive heard worse, sadly.

But for the record...i tried a song remix competition on another website, and i thought it wasnt TOO too bad, ya know? I always thought rap and hiphop was kinda low brow, too. Boy, did i get flamed and ripped to pieces. Once i heard the other entries, i understood. Never again will i try to make my own music and put it to a professional acapella just for the record, its harder than it looks (sounds?)

BUt i can see where 2 new mediocre beats every day would get kinda old real quick. Hey zell? why dont you take a week or two and make one good hiphop song original? really work on that sucker, then you might get a more favorable review? The beats by themselves, not viewing them as songs aint too bad.