Masterlink woes


New member
Well, I got the Masterlink (V2.0) a while back and now I have to say that the CD player is a bit flaky.

Commercially produced CDs play mostly ok but on some CDs there are small skips etc. Mainly towards the end of the CD and especially on long CDs. No problems with other CD players.

Many (but not all) CD-Rs that have been burned in a computer based system skip and pause a lot. Various burners and brands of CD-Rs. All of these work ok in various other CD players. A couple of times the machine has freezed and would work only after power off/on.

The CD-Rs that have been burned on the machine itself have been problem free so far.

I have tried to extract the problematic CD track(s) to a playlist track. Guess what, it works just fine.

Now, I am wondering if anyone has had the same kind of problems? Mine is under warranty, maybe it is faulty somehow?


...I've gotten a lot of CD-Rs from clients who want to transfer CDs of material from computer-burned CD-Rs as audio CDs.... and some of their CD-Rs created on computer fail with read errors.

In every case, the problem was poor burning by the computer's CD writer and/or software. Many times it's 'cos they aren't burning disc-at-once.

The Masterlink is a very reliable machine - but it can't perform miracles! Throw a bad CD-R at it and it will still choke... incidently, the way around that problem for me was to transfer the problem CD to the Masterlink via a consumer Sony player (yes, via analog, but I dare you to hear the difference! ;) )

I had the same problem as you. Get a copy of update version 2.02 either by calling Alesis, or downloading it off their web site. Even though the web site says the latest version is 2.0, it is not. What you get when you download is 2.02. It seems to take care of some error correction problems when playing back CD's. I have had no problems since this update. You may, however, still have problems reading funky CD's made by funky equipment. Good Luck.
Good idea Bruce, worked ok too? Had a few similar problems too, seems da link jus don't like poor burns or TAO.