Mastering more than one track!


New member
Hey there,
im new to this kinda thing...
ive made an album with my friend, for friends and family, and ive noticed that some tracks are louder than others.
how can i get all tracks the same volume?
Im using Logic 9

There are mastering experts here, and I'm not one of them, but I'm sure continuity between tracks is one of a mastering engineer's main goals.

Any mastering (used loosely) that I've done has involved bringing all stereo bounces into one ProTools session so they're lined up side by side.
That way I have immediate visual and audio comparisons between the songs.

Hope that's useful.
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Import all your stereo mixes into a new, clean project. They can either be on individual tracks where you would use the typical channel fader to adjust the volume, or on one track where you would use gain envelopes to change the volume. (in Cubase you just click on the track and drag up or down to change the gain envelope, also called input gain in Cubase, not sure about Logic).
Find the mix you like best, and level all the others up or down to match it. Then re-export.