mastering compression

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..|.. Part-time Antichrist ..|..
Would somebody clue me in to a good compressor setting to squeeze a bit of volume into my mixdown WAV without squishing the kickdrum and cymbals? Im using software compression where you have to enter all of the numerical values for each setting and I am clueless. A GUI would have been nice, SYNTRILLIUM...
Well I saw nobody else was writing so I guess I'll give it a shot.

Try this and get back to me ,

Threshold- (-20dB)
Ratio - (2:1)
Attack - (0)
Decay(release) - (500ms)
output - (10dB)

If you can get your hands on a multi band compressor you can compress the Freq. you need and leave the rest alone.

That way you can lets say - boost Lows but leave your cymbles and alone.

[This message has been edited by Shailat (edited 01-02-2000).]
I've played around with the software compressor in Vegas Pro and here's a few things to note. The threshold value has to be chosen with the actual levels in the piece in mind before being compressed. Zero in on a value for compression ratio by previewing several selections while keeping all the other parameters constant.
Shailat: What did you mean by the output level? My S/W compressor has an auto boost to restore any level naturally lost in the compression or you can adjust this to a specific amount of boost, but -10dB hints at a cut.
Oppssss.... Typo,

I meant - (10dB)

I'll go edit the message so there won't be any more confusion for futures onlookers

[This message has been edited by Shailat (edited 01-02-2000).]