"Mastering" at home - Tape simulations


New member
I know it isn't mastering (that's why I put it in !quotes") - it is more of twiddling at my wave-file until I am bored.;)

To those with the golden ears (to help me with my tin ears):

Where would you put a tape simulator?
At the very last stage?

These are my "mastering"-wannabe-tools:

Multiband Compression
Loudness Maximizer
Spectralizer (Exciter)

Thanks for sharing your advice

Well, none of those are what I would consider a tape saturator, but I like it very much on drum sub-mixes and then on the final mix as well. YMMV, but the drum sub-mix is a definate must try.
Try PSP Vintage Warmer demo, Steinbergs warmer, whatever. THe PSP is super nice.

What I meant was that I HAVE Magneto 1.5 as a tape saturaror.

And in junction with the above mentioned plug-ins I'll like to listen to your comments on the order to place them and why...

Thanx again!
