Master bus compression


New member
can anyone give me some insight into using compression and settings they use on their master bus? I heard it can "glue" your tracks together?
You might want to go and ask in one of the recording forums... not a lot of the people who know actually visit this one... I only came here because I saw the title and thought WTF?

My answer - it varies, I have a starting point and I go from there on a song by song basis.. sometimes I don't at all.
can anyone give me some insight into using compression and settings they use on their master bus? I heard it can "glue" your tracks together?

How about you fist. Since we don't know where you're at with it (compression.. Where would you like to start?
If you don't understand compression first then your just jumping ahead of yourself. Yes compression can "glue" your tracks together making them more cohesive and uniform but not by itself. Learn what your input, output, ratio, attack, release and threshold do first before you shoot your tracks in the foot. Train yourself to hear what the release sounds like first as well as the attack and how it can smooth or bring out your transients. This applies to all music. Read about it, watch about it and then ask questions because you've tried it and need understanding.

Intro to Compression - YouTube