Marshall MXL-2001 mod


New member
Does anybody have a link or information regarding the modification to these mics that was popular a few years ago? I picked up a pair cheap at GC when the got discontinued last year and I'd like to turn them into something *happening*.
Must be the solid state mod. I saw it once in an old copy of "Recording' magazine but now I can't seem to find it...
You know, I've never tried the Dorsey mod. Tim, have you done it?

I don't know if I want to sit down and figure out the errata. Someone have the complete mod schematic without the errors? I've got a Nady I might try it on.
PhilGood said:
You know, I've never tried the Dorsey mod. Tim, have you done it?

...Phil...I bought Tim's Cascade M20 on which he did a variation of the Dorsey mod...nice sounding's the article Tim wrote (reviewing the Oktava MK319) for Mojo Pie in which he refers to this particular microphone:
PhilGood said:
You know, I've never tried the Dorsey mod. Tim, have you done it?
I was just going to say, and I sold it to kidvybes!

I liked it a lot. It basically opens up the sound, kind of like if you pulled some cotton out of your ears. It causes the circuit to become mostly transparent so that you are mainly just hearing the capsule. The results are very similar to the Oktava MC012 mod, if you’ve done that. The only reason I sold it was because I was (am) a little hard up for some spending money and already had another MXL with the same type circuit.
...I purchased Tim's 'Dorsey' modded M20 almost a year's a very "open", almost transparent sounding nice on both vocals and instrument miking...actually, I'm in the process of negotiating the deal on another modded tube mic, and the house rules* state "for every new mic that moves in, another mic must go", here goes a goodie:

*house rules clearly state the "20-mics per 1-human" ratio MUST be it's either sell a mic or get re-married...I love my mics, but not that much :D