Marshall DSL401 vs. POD vs. Flextone II


New member
Ok well I bought a DSL401 about a week ago, AWESOME amp. Except for one thing, (BTW I am only using the amp for recording for the time being), I was recording some tracks in my home studio, And my amp started to make a rattiling sound when I would play certian notes (Maybe the low G), So I look behind the Amp and the whole spring reverb unit is lifted off the bottem of the amp the stuck the the magnet of the speaker. So I take the back of the amp off to see if I could just rescrew the reverb unit back into the wood, well no go there. I am going to take it back to the place I bought it from today and see how long it would take for them to fix it. If it takes to long I am going to get somthing else. (They dont have a return policy just a 30day Exchange policy). Now the only 2 options I really see that I have are these. Well a thrid to (The Mesa Subway Rocket, but it is to noisy, so just scratch that).
I could get a Pod 2.0 and a new soundcard (The Delta 44, I am curently using a Turtle Beach Santa Cruz), or I could go with the Flextone II. I have never really messed with the Pod or Flextone (I have heard it is the same as a pod with a speaker attached), but I did have a Spider 1x12 for a day before I returned that piece of crap. What would yall do? I am just kind of pissed at Marshall for the time being.
Go with the POD. I have a JCM 900 Marshall Combo and Marshall Plexi, that I hardly ever use anymore. The POD is just so much more convenient. The POD doesn't sound quite as good as a real amp, but it's pretty close. Unless you're a tube purist, you'd never know the difference. Plus, the POD is extremely versatile. Beatles to Metallica with the turn of a knob.
sample mp3

If you have a yahoo account, I've dumped a sample MP3 of a demo I did (with a crappy drum track) using both a POD and a Flextone.

One guitar was POD - One was Flextone...both using the Matchless be honest, I can't tell which is which. They are really pretty much fact, there's XLR outputs on the back of the Flextone, should you want them.

and don't slag me for the vocals or's a demo...BTW...bass was recorded with a Bass POD.

look for the sample.mp3 in the my documents folder.
