marshall 603s


New member
Does any one know who has the best deals on these? It's time to break down and buy them.
Mainly for piano and drum overheads.

Hey Harvey i know you've talked about these a lot, but i don't remember if you said that you tried em' on piano.

ANY WAY if you don't mind, your opinion is greatly appreciated!

I've looked everywhere for these but can only find them individually at 8th Street for $79.95. Some other places have them bundled with the the MXL 2001, but I hear it sucks.
I got mine at Abe Music for $75 each. And if you order two, shipping is free (orders over $100). Very friendly on the phone too and prompt shipping.

There website appears to be down right now though.
You may want to consider (if the $$$ will aloow) getting a lower costpreamp that inludes phantom power, like an Art Tube MP ($99 for one channel)....if not, check Musicians Friend...they have single channel phantom power boxes for $40-$50 that are decent....maybe someone else may know of a cheaper, yet decent, option....
tdukex said:
I've looked everywhere for these but can only find them individually at 8th Street for $79.95. Some other places have them bundled with the the MXL 2001, but I hear it sucks.

I got a couple of 603's as part of a couple of 2001 bundles. Mine sound great individually and compared to each other, could be a matched pair. Brent at Marshall Electronics seems to have figured out the quality control thing.
Hey kelley

Just out of curioosity, what do you use to power these. I'm looking at maybe a rolls unit with two channels, but they have two of these and i can't figure out the difference.
Re: Hey kelley

8trackmind said:
Just out of curioosity, what do you use to power these. I'm looking at maybe a rolls unit with two channels, but they have two of these and i can't figure out the difference.

I've never used anything from Rolls.

I power my 603's two ways: 1. An Aardvark Pro 24/96; and 2. A Soundcraft M8 Spirit Console.

The soundcraft uses the same pre-amps in the M8 as in their larger Ghost consoles. These do a nice job, though the design of the pots require the operator to crank them a lot before a sudden large jump in useable gain occurs. That being said, the M8 is a pretty nice little console and I use it along with a DAT to record live ensembles. It's got direct outs on every channel as well as a handy SPDF out that's been working well for me.

The Aardvark is a great card/front end for the money and offers a HUGE amount of gain -- 75 dB! and works flawlessly with Cakewalk Pro Audio 9.

For whatever it's worth, I've gotten some very good acoustic guitar sounds with the 603's -- as have many others on this forum -- as well as some nice stereo recordings of whole groups. They have a vary wide cardiod pattern -- Subcardioid, as it were -- so they pick up a lot of room, too.