Markers = different cd tracks


New member
In Cool Edit Pro (which I do not have) I know there is a way that you can use the different markers in your audio file to mean different audio tracks on a CD. Is this possible in Cubase SE? I am interested in making a rehearsal cd for the group I teach and it would be helpful to split the show up into tracks.

Thanks for your help.
If I am understanding you right, you could cut your audio at the places you want the track numbers to be and then export each section of audio out as a seperate file and save it with different names like 'show 1' and 'show 2' ect. Then just burn them all to a disc in the correct order.
OK. Cool I will try that. I also tried Audacity 1.3 (beta) and that worked but very tedious.

--- now i get it....with the markers at the top ---- Makes sense. Thanks!!