March on Down to Hell


This is a marching tune that represents all those that will end up in hell way before they give up the ghost due to rampant inflation and no income from a displaced economy devouring any hope of even a moderately comfortable existence in their twilight years. Triggered by driving along one of my town's main drags and seeing the scummiest motel/apartment complex in town renamed the Costa Mesa Senior Citizens' something or other. Same filthy, scum filled poverty stricken halls and rooms. Different clientele, probably almost surviving on SS checks alone.
Before that it was just drug addicts and drifters.
I've seen the rooms and they're very depressing.

In the MP3 gallery, tune #13.

See ya on the other side, friend.
Bring those drums up and march on....what's it like channeling Sousa?...and will he ask for a co-writing credit from the grave?.....gibs
LOL Gibs...

...reminded me more of stawl meets zappa or john zorn in a playful mood. Maybe I heard it wrong.

Hey, do *all* of your tunes have chemical formulas for names?
Ya ever go into a toystore and hear kids just pounding on the keys of a keyboard? JK its different but cool none the less ;-)
Thanks for listening.
Ametth: the panning (on the drums at least) came from writing two related but different drums tracks and placing each on its own PORT. And I chose two different drum sets for left and right. Then I panned each instance of channel 10 on a PORT pretty hard left or right. In MIDI implementation, each drumset is normally panned to center and each drum sound within a set has its own place in the stereo field. This method sort of overrides that.
But you need to have two ports to make it work easily.
and Dobro: I thought I explained my naming conventions a long time ago....