many tracks on one track


New member
Ive got a cakewalk project that we did a punch of punchins on serveral tracks and now when I try to export the tracks as waves to a folder I get about 6 audio clips per track ie 02-03, 02-06,02-12 etc.

Is there a way to combine all of that into one take or whatever in cubase so I can exprot just one complete track.

(Im doing this so I can get them on Sonar which what I use)
I believe you can select everything on the track and click consolidate track under the file or edit menu...if memory serves me correctly.

In cubase export as OMF, which is similar to a cakewalk bundle file (minus MIDI and Effects data). Cakewalk can open OMF files.
If you just want to create one file from a bunch of a files on a single track, select them all and go to Audio menu>Bounce Selection, which creates a new composite file. You can safely delete the old files from the Pool and Hard disk when done.