Man I want to scratch!


New member
Hey, I'd love to have some scratch / wiggy wiggy to add in my songs somewhat like oasis, sugar ray or kid rock...

Can I get these sounds without spinning turntables?

You mean like DJ scratches, right?

If you look on in the sound effects section you should be able to find some, though there are others in other sections because lazy people can't be bothered uploading them to the right places.

Also, there's some at Sample Arena

There's more out there, I just can't remember them all.
Or... you can pay a REAL waxmaster, like myself, to lace you up custom-like...

(i'm kiddin' man. not about the waxmaster part, but about - shit, you know what I mean...)
Lol - thanks for the advice - and when my records get to where more than a few people are hearing them - I'll keep you in mind waxmaster.

Thanks all!
Aw shucks, Spin.

That was better than a dozen roses...

<and people say Chicago's full of nothing but thugs and gangsters>
