Man, I know I have more than 250 posts...


New member
I was just reading the requirements for submission and is said 250 posts. Well I am absolutely certain that I used to have a lot more than 250 posts....but somehow my post number got bumped way way down awhile back. Am I still eligible? I've been a member since 1999. There was a period of several months where I was gone because of school and some other problems, but still...
I wanted to be on the first comp cd but I didn't have the resources to transfer my four-track stuff to wav back then.

Thanks for listening...

Horns, Harmony, & Humor
I lowered and lowered these requirements while we were deciding on them...and now that everything is official I don't think it would be fair to change them.

However, you only need 60 posts from November 1 to May 1 and I think you've got like 19 or something. So, if you can whip out 40 non-cave non-pad posts in 27 days you'll be good.

Slackmaster 2000
Tucci, just hit the MP3 Clinic once a day and review 1.5 songs per day and you are there.....I'd really like to see ya on this one......

Alright, I am sure I can get to sixty....

I'm just curious how my posts got bumped so low though. Before I was off the board for a few months I was at like 300something and when I came back I was down to 100something. Do you start losing posts after a period of inactivity?

Anyway, thanks to work on my 60 posts.

Horns, Harmony, & Humor
I know that a few people like Brad and Emeric have lost posts....nobody's really sure what it is possible :(

Slackmaster 2000
I think they were added to my count because I KNOW I dont post that much......:rolleyes: