Mallow Dramatic


New member
Hallo. Not been here for a while!

Only song weve uploaded so far, but... what you think of it?

Used Sennheiser blackfire overheads (forget the model)
BF504 for toms and snare
MD401 (or two :S) for kick
DI for bass
Shure SM85 for guitar and vocals

Mixed on Cool Edit Pro 2.1

The drums sound a bit crap but i recorded the snare too quiet originally and had to EQ it quite drastically for it to become at all apparent. Im going to re record that drum track at the next available oppertunity

oh yeah, NOTE : its not actually finished, drummer chickened out on the end and well.. yeah..
The intro sounds sweet. The drums sounds really muffled compared to the guitar. Actually the entire sound other than the guitar is pretty muffled. Maybe bring up the vocals a little more. It sounds like the ride cymbal is standing out more than the snare!

Sounds good, though!