:::Making tracks fit will together:::


New member
Hi guys,

I am in the final stages of mastering together a cd of about 10 tracks.
Most of the tracks sound the same dynamicaly but a couple of them sound
a bit different and lifeless. So...is there a way to take some sort of
'profile' of the dynamics and overall e.q. of a track and apply it
to another track to give it the same sort of feel/e.q. I have played
around with equalisers to try and get the same sort of e.q. from one
track to another but its not easy.

The ultimate aim is to get 10 tracks that sound dynamically
the same (like professional release do) so if I am confused
here or if you have any other suggestions on mastering a load
of tracks in a 'simple' way so they sit well together please
let us know.

As always cheers :)
There's really no way to get into it without actually hearing the suspect mixes...

One thing though - Don't knock yourself out trying to "force" mixes into where they don't want to be. Sometimes some tracks just aren't going to sound cohesive with the rest of them. You can "bend" them a little, but don't do more harm than good.
I'd say that if a track sounds lifeless, then the problem stems from the recording and performance. In terms of dynamics, every song should have it's own special dynamic. It's before my time, and I know records today want everything to be the same, same levels, same tone etc...but what about The White Album...that had a mix of really dynamically different sounding songs. But I suppose if you have an album of hard core metal, then I suppose you want everthing the same. I dunno
one trick is to get the *vocal* to be the same volume not worrying so much about the music. if the music is way too low after that, compress or limit the track. If the music is too high, you probably want to bring the track down and use eq to bring the vocal up. if the music is instrumental, ignore all of this crap. most people just listen to the vocal and if the music is off a little they aren't gonna notice.