Making own cables

I rigged up a block of timber with holes drilled, into which I can insert phono plugs snugly. This holds them in place in an orientation that suits me for soldering, and I just use "helping hands" or similar to hold the cable. You find your soldering mojo pretty quickly.
^^ +1

I have a block that includes the innards of a male XLR, female XLR, phonos and TRS/TS. Works a treat.
I find it hard to solder these days with the way my eyes have gone. :( I find it hard to solder with glasses on.
Lots of times I find myself soldering from years of experience, kinda letting go and just using the force ... :D ... I can do that with my eyes closed.
I find it hard to solder these days with the way my eyes have gone. :( I find it hard to solder with glasses on.
Lots of times I find myself soldering from years of experience, kinda letting go and just using the force ... :D ... I can do that with my eyes closed.

I wear "Boots" reading glasses. #3 to drive in and #4 to read and type this. #s 3 AND 4 for soldering!

Re "not a vice": Unless you all have hands like gorrillas you will not be able to twist Neutrik jack cable clamps home.
I put the body in the vice and use big pliers to turn the back bit, holding the cable the while so it does not twist.
Silicone grease is a very useful lubricant here. Get a can of "Back to Black" from Halfords and spray a bit in the cap. The residue will lube a dozen cables and threads and the can last for years.

Guess maybe my problem are my bifocals.

I had surgery for cataracts in both eyes a couple of years back, and now need specs for close work. I have a pair of single focal length prescription specs, set for a focal distance of about 30cm or so, which are perfect. I can't do this kind of work with graduated lenses.
Thanks Dave. I know what you mean about turning the cable clamps. Great tip about the bumper spray, by the way! I'm going try this at my next cable-fest.

Cheers! Paul
Great tip about the bumper spray, by the way! I'm going try this at my next cable-fest.

Cheers! Paul

Just be careful or you'll get the squirts for a couple of days with that silicon spray if you happen to transfer it from hand to mouth!
Just be careful or you'll get the squirts for a couple of days with that silicon spray if you happen to transfer it from hand to mouth!

Careful is my middle name :drunk:

(And don't we all sound old?)

You'll have to speak up sonny. Everyone seems to mumble these days...
Re "not a vice": Unless you all have hands like gorrillas you will not be able to twist Neutrik jack cable clamps home.
I put the body in the vice and use big pliers to turn the back bit, holding the cable the while so it does not twist.
Silicone grease is a very useful lubricant here. Get a can of "Back to Black" from Halfords and spray a bit in the cap. The residue will lube a dozen cables and threads and the can last for years.


dang, really? So is that just for the Neutrik connectors or will I need this lubricant spray and gorilla hands for all assemblies?
Well I don't have ape hands. I use Neutrik and I don't seem to have problems. Yet some of the guys here at the studio have a hard time with them. Guess your gonna have to just give it a whirl.
Thanks Dave. I know what you mean about turning the cable clamps. Great tip about the bumper spray, by the way! I'm going try this at my next cable-fest.

Cheers! Paul

You are very welcome. You can get silicone spray in many shops. Habberdasheries also keep it. I have had a 100g tube for about 7 years and use it as described and for lubing the tips of a Helleman sleeving tool. You only need the merest smear on the tip of a fine screwdriver.
