making click tracks


New member
Hi, How do you make click tracks? I want to be able to have backing tracks on one side and a click on the other for the drummer to play along to? Do you have to build them yourselves?

Any help much appreciated.

i'm a drummer myself and i have to play to click tracks cos the band i'm in at the moment doesn't have a bass player or 2nd guitarist yet. the way i do it is as follows:

1. open a new song in logic

2. create however many tracks i need for backing instruments including the click

3. upload a cowbell sample to track 1 at point 0.000

4. copy the sample to beats 2, 3 & 4 of bar one (using 4/4 time for his example)

5. repeat the region enough times to last the whole song

6. record the backing instruments on the remaining tracks

7. pan the click hard left and the music hard right

8. connect the right output of my soundcard to the pa and listen to the click through the headphone socket of the soundcard

it works for me, but obviously theres other ways to do it. like connecting a drum machine to the midi output of your soundcard

hope this helps anyway
In Reaper I just go to Insert -> Click track. Then drag it as far as I want it to play. And then I can add time signature changes, tempo changes, etc. And even load custom samples for the click sound so it doesn't have to sound like a metronome.
i make mine using audacity.

create click track
set tempo
define length
save as wave file
boom! click track...
import into app of choice.
Make sure you use a sharp percusive sound that is nothing like the drums your drummer will be playing.

Cow bells and wood blocks are good.

Pan them hard L & R in the mix and let your drummer decide when it's good, not you.