Making a RAM Drive in Win2000?


New member
I am running out of HD space but I have an over abundance of physical RAM that I never use (2 Gs). Can someone tell me how to make a virtual drive out of a chunk of that memory? I used to know how when I had a 8088 but it was pretty useless then consider total RAM was something like 128k. Thanks.
You do realize that RAM is volitile memory, right? That is, as soon as you turn your computer off you're going to lose that virtual drive. Creating a ram drive because you're running out of space is really not something you should be considering!

Slackmaster 2000
I've always wanted to play around with a RAM drive. Now that I've got enough memory- I tried the Code Guru's app and it maxes out at 30MB. Freekin' worthless!
You have to write it to disk sooner or later.
Why not sooner?
have you ever installed a program to a RAM drive? it's soo cool once you reboot because everything is gone, except the registry edits :(.

Cheap trills!
The original version only goes to 64M which I had no problems with. If you email the programmer there's an auto reply that send you a version that can ideally go up to 1G. I can only get it up to 256M due to "lack of contiguous memory space." I'll have to contact the programmer because I'm pretty sure I have way more memory available.

I understand it's gone when you power cycle but I think it still has it's odd uses like web temp directory or I imagine you could throw things into it if that would cause undue wear on the HD.
You're really just asking for trouble by setting any program to write temp files to a drive that will not exist at some point.

There really is no benefit here, honestly. The only benefit would be speed, and you don't need it in this case.

To get more contiguous memory, restart your computer.

Slackmaster 2000