Make you hear.


New member
Hello, i've just found that interesting forum. How can I make you hear my songs? I saw someone use soundclick but i didn't understand how can i give you the link to my song after i upload it.
Dude don't even bother. You have to make an oath to satan and then take it up the azz to even get a review on this part of homerecording. Listen to some of the corny shyt that gets promoted here and you'll see what I mean. If your in the gay club you not only get a review, but it's always good. Just go listen. Some real corny shyt gets the thumbs up. A lot of this shyt sounds like it's made by a 40 yr old dude trying to use fruityloops....WTF? There is some good stuff here but these fags all formed an alliance against good music. PM and I'll tell you of some OFFICIAL places to go and get your music heard by people who actually matter. What good are tips about music from people that make garbage?

I had a thread about all this but some homo got offended because it was too true and deleted it like they will probably do with this so if you got the notice in your email with this message in it....just go ahead and PM me!
Right.. that's why he only has 2 posts?

But anyway, you can find an uploading site, like divshare, maybe even make a youtube and just post a link here for us to rate, yeah soundclick works too. If you have an account for some kind of site, put it on your siggy, doesn't hurt anyone to click on it and check :)


oh yeah, zshare seems to be also a good site to for uploading too.
^^ I was thinking the same thing...

Tricka - once you upload you music on soundclick go into you band administration.. there you will see a section called linking click on that and it will give the links to you songs or songs page.. hope this helps..

there are others.. but soundclick doesn't put a cap on how many songs you can upload.. like most others do...