Make vox ac30 2x12 combo into a 1x12?


New member
i have the new vox ac30 custom classic with two 12s. if i disconnect one of the speakers by pulling off the terminals and taping them up will the amp perform like a true 1x12 combo? would i hurt the amp at all?
:) I had to click on this. Used to run with a Twin with two JBLs. Got tired of pulling my arm off lugging the damned thing around so I put in a single D-130 -saved 13lbs, got a warmer sound to boot. :p
If they're wired parallel you'll be going up in impeadence. I would guess that should be fine.
Why would you want to do this? The volume level is not really going to be noticeably different at all. You know, they make the ac30 cc in a 1x12.

Hard2Hear said:
Why would you want to do this? The volume level is not really going to be noticeably different at all. You know, they make the ac30 cc in a 1x12.


i went with the 2x12 because the 1x12s were out of stock everywhere. i also would like to have teh 2 x12 if i ever wanted to go back to a "bigger"

wouldnt it be "pushing less air" with one speaker? it has to make some difference.

KKM1 said:
wouldnt it be "pushing less air" with one speaker? it has to make some difference.

There will be a difference, but the question is if you will be able to hear it... When you double the amount of sound sources you increase the percieved volume by 3 decibels. 3 decibels is not a lot..........

First of all - you need to be sure that the one speaker you will be using will handle the power fot the entire amp (33W on HOT bias, 22W on warm bias)- I'm not sure what kind of speakers they are putting in the standarad AC30CC....

Second - yes impedence is going to matter. You will need to adjust the impedence unless you replace the two speakers with just one that has an equivalent impedance of the two speakers together.

Third - the amp will be unevenly wieghted unless youi modify the baffle board and mount the one speaker in the center of the cabinet. This would most like make it even more difficult to carry!!

These are some issure that you may encounter some are minors and some can be a big problem.....

I bought the AC30CC head, and found a great solution to my problem - I wanted the clestion blue sound without spending $900 for the cab. I got a Weber Blue Dog speaker. It was rated second best to the celstion blue by guitar player magazine. AND they can be built for up to 50W power handling. So I through one of them into a spare 1x12 cabinet and now my amp is sounding great!! it was a $170 solution to a $700 problem. I got the alnico one, but Weber makes a ceramic blue dog for a cool $75 or so.......