Magic Black Box- I found it!


New member
Ok, I'm going to share the wealth here. The biggest reason is because this is one of the few places where people don't seem to bash each other as much as they do in other site forums. Everyone's been so nice on here. Thank you. Here's the whole story:
About three weeks ago I received one of those bi-weekly e-newsletters from a Music Catalog site boasting about this new rack FX called the Antares ATR-1. It's an intonnator- works kinda like a guitar tuner, except that it actually "fixes" the sour note. Although my lead voclas are usually fine for my tastes, I decided to try one... despite of the price being around $700- yikes. But since I've spent close to $25,000 on FX already, I figured one more FX unit couldn't hurt. :)
I can't tell you how impressed I've been with this unit. If you're a cruddy singer, forget about it- even tough you can adjust the sensitivity to probably fix everything- it's totally transparent in my ears! But if you have several long tones that you feel may waver, damn! Queen and the Beach Boys and Def Leppard would freak. I don't use my studio much for public-use but I've done a few sesssions for friends. I took out their tapes and ran the lead vox through it. Holy cow! I even remixed a few for them and sent them a copy. They couldn't believe it either.
Granted, you can't use this thing on a track of back-ups (a track with more than one vox) because- I guess- the unit can't figure out which note to tune to. Fine by me. For one vocal a time, it's killer. My band has been working on a new CD and I've been running the ATR1 through each vocal track as I bounce it to another just so I can use this thing. And... here's the punchline... you can use it live. Although the manual suggests not to monitor it live as it may cause you to really screw up, trying to sing with the FX. I haven't used it in rehearsal yet- I may have to buy another just for that purpose.
Guys, I'm telling you, check this thing out. It could save you hours of your own personal time. I believe this unit originated from a plug-in software called either Auto-Tune or Tune-Rite... something like that. I feel like I'm running an ad (Antares, if you're listening... I'll take the endorsement!) but I haven't seen anything this cool since I found out how to use reverb... ha ha. Good luck everybody.