

New member
What up evrybody,
I was wondering what you all think about Madlib, what ya think of the production techniques. On quasimoto's "The Unseen" ton of oldschool samples. Also what about the Blue Note mix he did? just wondered what ya'll think about his approach b/c it strays from that "reason sequenced" :o style that colgs most of the mainstream airwaves.
myparents said:
"reason sequenced" :o style that colgs most of the mainstream airwaves.

Don't know who you are.. Or to whom you refer.. but this is a dumb comment...
myparents said:
Well maybe a dumb comment, but listen to your beats man! Soft synths and nothing but the same old strings and some arpeggiation. Nothing New. Canned. Pre-mixed. EZ. Listen to madlib>get some records. I "peeped" your beats. nothing new, nothing new. They go no where. Sorry. :(

And people shouldn't buy accoustic guitars because they're played out?.. :o

I'll take it in stride... Thanks for the feedback, friend... :)
I think I get what he's trying to say and I noticed it as well but I don't know why (I don't think it's due to a lack in skills or a deficiency in Reason though.)

A lot of beats I've heard have a VERY obvious synth sound and I think that's what he's referring to.

I'm talking about general beats though not those on this BBS since we don't really have that problem here.
myparents said:
Well maybe a dumb comment, but listen to your beats man! Soft synths and nothing but the same old strings and some arpeggiation. Nothing New. Canned. Pre-mixed. EZ. Listen to madlib>get some records. I "peeped" your beats. nothing new, nothing new. They go no where. Sorry. :(

Issue 1: Get records...

For sampling, I presume....

Issue 2: Soft Synths, Same Ol', Canned....

I'm anxiously await your reply.... ;)

That muthafucka ain't gon respond. He doesn't know what he's talking about so he can't respond to you kicking knowledge.

-The Deen

First, sorry for knockn' your shit, its not my taste but i was pissed that your comments were personal attacks and not about the thread.
The reason i started the thread was to get an idea about the current theory, if you will about beat production. Simply put, i think there are a few schools, again this is an oversimplification.
1. Sequenced homemade samples like yours--
2. Looped the old way--some MadLib
3. All points in between

THe info i was after was to see if there were kids in here using old R n B soul reggae jazz and shit to create thier beats. Crate diggaz
So i just wanna to get a tread going a see what the hip hop kids thought.
Oh yea call off your son the 15 year old kid.
ask him who David Axlerod is, give him a bottle and rock his ass to sleep
Much respect to you and yours
Thanks for being civil about it... I am known to be an overly defensive person... My apologies for that...

As far as Jibran goes, I am not responsible or accountable for his actions.

I do have questions about your post... I must also admit, again, that I am not familiar with Madlib, Quaimoto, or David Axelrod.. However, I am eager to learn and listen...

Disclaimer: I don't listen to the radio or watch music videos, etc. At this time, I have little interest/knowledge in/of mainstream-anything.

1. You state that my comments were personal attacks. I attacked the comment and its foundation, not you as a person or artist. How, then, have I attacked you personally?

2. I have no idea why you put my works and/or style/method at an extreme end of a spectrum. I loop/sample/chop/replay samples from cassette, reel to reel, 8 track, records, beating on the table, beatbox, cd, mp3, ETC x infinity...

Please understand that I am not trying to complicate your thread. My intent is to foster some clarification about this topic.

If you say that there exists a spectrum of Hip Hop production method/styles, one person cannot be pinned down to a single portion of it (ESPECIALLY one who has not yet been published, such as myself)....

Trust me, the sheer simplicity and beauty of a looped "classic" style sample, just floors me... My favorite Hip Hop is from that "school of thought"...Look at DJ Premier... Is he at one end of it, too? At the same time, it isn't that easy to flip a sample in such an elegant way. I wish to learn!!!!

I also want to be original (which, according to you, I am not)... I am not just going to say I disagree. You must admit that you are wrong. Every individual, and their works, are original. Bob Dylan, for example covered songs that were hundrereds of years old, in a new way (Regardless of good/bad)... It's fact, not opinion.

Next thing I want to cover is method.. Please don't tell me that my music will suck just because of the tools I use (So, I don't use an SP-1200. Last time I checked, I couldn't afford one)... A man can water his garden with a either a hose, bucket, or watering can (or any combination)... I still just don't see any point in casting someone down based on the tool(s) they use (reason or ANY other "tool")... If I could beatbox like Doug E Fresh and Rahzel, I would, but I'd still be tempted to try other ways to birth my art...

Okay... I'll stop rambling... All the best... Hopefully, we understand eachother, to some extent now....

Thanks for the brain workout,

i was being very simple just to give you an idea when i pigeon-holed you style, sorry. I can't label you, i was just again being very basic. i see where you're comin' from. Also, ya know, whats it matter what i say if you are happy with the results? I agree gear dosen't make the beat. SP1200 yea pretty pricey. But anyway man i'm at school right now just didn't wanna make an enemy. So, take it easy and keep makin' beats. Check out some of the Madlib stuff and let me know what you think. Oh yea, Axlerod--find it and you'll be suprised how much of it you've heard already.
myparents said:
i was being very simple just to give you an idea when i pigeon-holed you style, sorry. I can't label you, i was just again being very basic. i see where you're comin' from. Also, ya know, whats it matter what i say if you are happy with the results? I agree gear dosen't make the beat. SP1200 yea pretty pricey. But anyway man i'm at school right now just didn't wanna make an enemy. So, take it easy and keep makin' beats. Check out some of the Madlib stuff and let me know what you think. Oh yea, Axlerod--find it and you'll be suprised how much of it you've heard already.

It's a deal... Have a good one man...

Sorry for over-reacting; I thought you were coming here and saying that we're all wack. Since I never saw you on here before, I thought you were a spammer.
myparents said:
Also, ya know, whats it matter what i say if you are happy with the results?

Overall, I'm not happy with my results... I am slowly seeing an improvement, though...

Just wanted to clear that up... Cya around
Btw, I DO know who David Axlerod is. I'm a big fan of funk and soul and I've sampled some of his stuff before.