mackie VLZ-1202


New member
i have profire610 interface,
and i decide to buy a mackie VLZ-1202 ,
does it sound good with my firewire interface,or i should by another model or brand ?
I think the Mackie will only give you two outputs. To utilize all of your profires inputs, you are going to need more preamps. I actually use a couple of cheap ART tube pres to send signal to my interface. Not the greatest for getting good tone, but get the job done for me.
You want to check out something along the lines of a tascam interface that has 8 ins and 8 outs to you computer. It will be a while till you out grow it.
Btw Armin, the 1641/1800 have 10 preamps built in. I need the ART's for the other 4 inputs that don't have built in preamps cuz I'm crazy like that. :)

I know a guy....
but Here the way i think :
Instruments------------->Mackie 1202 inputs-------------->mackie 1202 stereo outputs-------------> Profire 2 Inputs------------->PC.
is it wrong jimmy7
actually the Mackie should have inserts for each channel (at least my old one does) which means you could have 6 outputs ..... 1 for each channel with a mic-pre and then the 2 stereo outs.
The problem there, though I'm not sure about this model, is that the fx send may be post fader. So the signal will go to L&R anyway. If they are pre fader then hells yeah. It's on! :)
The problem there, though I'm not sure about this model, is that the fx send may be post fader. So the signal will go to L&R anyway. If they are pre fader then hells yeah. It's on! :)
are you going with the mackie just because you have a deal on it?
I have, for a toss in the back of the truck mixer, a peavey PV10 .... it DOES have inserts on all channels and sounds decent. That's why I bought it .... to make 8 track field recordings.
They should be as cheap as the Mackie.
Bob is correct. I think you would be better off getting a 4 channel mixer 'with' inserts if you are only using the mixer for its preamps. You already have two pre's on your interface. You just need 4 more to open up all of your options.
Uh oh. Correction. Two of your six inputs are digital in. You will need something with a digital out S/PDIF connection. Something like an ART DPS II on the cheap side. Someone else may know of a less expensive preamp option with digital outputs but that's what I found and use.

You are limited to 4 inputs by standard analog connections. :(