Mackie Monitor Mix / Recording Question


A Muse Zen
Senility must be kicking in, or maybe I just need a different mixer...need help with getting a monitor mix on a's my setup:

DAW using Cakewalk
Delta 66 for audio
SB Live! for MIDI
PS5 monitors
Mackie 1202 VLZ Pro

I've got the mic going into Channel1 XLR, output from the Delta 66 going into 5/6, output from SB Live! going into 7/8. I would like to be able to use EQ, Gain, and FX going to the Delta In but have a separate strip to use EQ, Gain, and FX going to a monitor (headphone) mix. In other words, I want to be able to control how much EQ, Gain, and FX I record with, yet be able to separately control the EQ, Gain, and FX from the mic channel blended in with the input on 5-8. Using the direct out on Channel1 is pre-EQ pre-fader and won't allow EQ or FX control.
I tried the Alt 3/4 and Control Room outs, but haven't found that "right" combination yet. Any ideas?
I'm sort of new here, but wouldn't you want to record dry and then add the effects later so you have more control. I think someone here said not to add a lot of effects to the recording mix because you will never be able to take it out. Instead add the effects after you are finished recording.

Thanks for your reply....yes, it IS better to record dry for effects like reverb, chorus, etc. I was thinking more about compression and de-esser though...I could go serially thru a compressor before it goes into the DAW software (Cakewalk), but I was just trying to figure out a way around this.

OK. I'm looking at the manual and they have the compressor
off of the 1st channel insert on the back of the mixer. Wait a sec that's for the video setup.

It look like in the recording setup you have to come out of the Aux out jack and back into the Aux return. I would suppose you use the Aux knobs to adjust how much compression you have on each channel.

Do you have the manual?
Hey JerryD,

Yeah, I've got the manual...I think you are referring to the Aux1 Send/Receive... if you go from the Aux1 Send to an effects box (reverb, compressor, whatever), then you bring the output from the effects box back into the Mackie Aux1 Return, then you control each individual channel by the Aux1 knob. There's a few problems though...if you go direct out from channel 1 you bypass all channel strip controls (Aux1 and 2, EQ, Pan, and Gain). If you go out the Alt 3/4 (on the back), you don't send any effects from Aux1 or 2 (unless you direct out from channel1 to effects box, then effects box out into another channel that is sent (mute down) to Alt 3/4). Sounds like a soap opera almost..

Do you know how to use the "Effects to Monitor" button?

We're going to have to find someone here who has more experience with this gear. You may refer to page 29 in the manual. If you study that diagram long enough I bet you could figure it out. Sorry I can't help. I'm too new.
Thanks for trying know, I used to be able to run a mixing board, and I can manage this Mackie, but I'm not real good with it yet....I'll just have to keep tryin.

Thanks for the replies....