Mackie HR824's...

Sky Pilot

New member
Anybody know of the best price & place out there on these
babies? I need to pick up a pair, and the local GC guy cornered
himself by guaranteeing to price match the best price I can get
as long as it is a legit company/dealer.
His best GC price is 699 each.

So help a fellow Brotha make the GC eat their words :)

Sky Pilot
Just for reference, out local authorized Mackie dealer here in Hawaii sold me a pair for $599.00 each. They bring them in for stock so I did not pay any shipping either. That was a considerable better deal than I could have gotten from the mainland with shipping cost added in. Of course, I was shocked and grabbed them. You're gonna love these!
I bought mine about six months ago from Mars Music during their going out of business sale...

$800 out the door...

Sounds like $699 is pretty good... not as good as $599, but good, nonetheless.
Yo yo yo cuz, I was trying to avoid actually doing more work on the house and saw your post so I did a little internet researching. I am still waiting for two price quotes to be e-mailed to me, but I did do an "online" chat with a customer service person at American Musical Supply (why do they make you request e-mail, or chat, or call for prices?? I really hate that :( ) and I have a link that shows that they sell them for $599.

Dang....that's only $150 more a piece than I paid for my HR624's. Anyway that is the best price out of all the ones I found. If one of the e-mails shows a lower one than that I will call you. Make the evil empire rue the day they said they would match prices!

My studio/music room is now framed and we're drywalling soon. One of my buddies is doing the wiring today. Won't be done by Monday like I hoped but it's moving along. to drill some holes and make some trouble....

-little cuzin Bass Master "K"
Thanx for the help guys!
Yo Bass Master, You the man! I appreciate all the help mucho.
I was being torn between the mackies or the Blue Sky's.
I went to listen to them both down at Brownell Sound, and like
the Mackies slightly better. The salesman tried to convince me
the Mackies & Blue Sky's sucked compared to a pair of powered
Rolands. (that he just by coincidence happend to have
a smokin' deal on...) I humored him, then silently barfed in
my mind! :) Believe it or not, I am finding some incredible deals
right now on mics over in the UK too. Brownell fainted at the
prices I was quoted.

I really want to make the GC squirm when I give them a great
price they have to match! Anyway, good luck on the new studio!
We move in 20 days & will start construction on my new studio
soon too!

Sky Pilot
Yo cuz,
Congrats on the house! You need help lifting a box or two give me a call. I'm in good form from all the box lifting I've been doing over here.
I believe BHPhoto in NYC sells 'em for $550 a piece. Might be able to pricematch some other big shot...

Can you tell me more about how the Blue Sky system sounded?

BTW, if you're looking at those kinda monitors, you might wanna add KRK V8's and ADAM P11A's to your list (Also around $1100-1200 a pair)
Speeddemon said:
Can you tell me more about how the Blue Sky system sounded?

Well, they sounded great actually. I was really impressed with
how full they sound with the sub added in the mix. The 2 SAT
speakers are pretty small, but put out a clear mix with punch.
Not much of a reveiw - sorry. You would definately have to tune
your room with this system, cus the sub really puts out mo bass!
Around the same price as the mackies too.

But to my ears, and the room I was listening in, the Mackies just
seemed to have a more defined overall sound... but don't take
that for much. Reason is, I personally don't think many people
can really tell what a Monitor will do unless they have some
preasure free time to listen to them at home or in your own
studio environment.

I plan on trying the Mackies out extensively. One store
in Portland will let me take them to our studio, and will
take them back if they fail to produce. Who knows, I may
take the mackies back & exchange for the Blue Sky's. :)
Both imo are top notch bottom feeders that kick the crap outta
some of the snob monitors out there that cost mucho.

Sky Pilot
I heard the Blue Sky 2.1 last weekend. I was pretty unimpressed. They sounded tubby. Several folks in the room (treated studio) agreed. Definitely listed to 'em before you plunk down $ for 'em.
