Mackie 32-8bus consoles..What are they like??


New member
Anyone that has used a Mackie 32-8bus (or 24-8) mixer?
Please tell me something about it if anyone has used it..I'm considering getting one. Is it good, easy to use and things like that.
Thanks for the help guys!
They are awesome for the Money.....

I use one exclusively.

I am finding deficiencies is the pre-amps though.... But They are probably better than the on-board Pre's on anything else in the price range.

Or not. The Soundcraft Spirit line is pretty decent sounding stuff. Much more usable eq's, and summing amps that don't crap out at low levels. Basically, much more headroom.

If you have never really used a nice console, the Mackie will sound alright. But once you lay your hands on and hear a nice console, you are not going to find the Mackie to be very pleasing.

If you do decide on the Mackie, be very carefull with it. The cheap plastic cased knobs they use are prone to break, and eventually, like every Mackie I have worked on, one of the subgroups will fail and be unusable.

You will want to run the preamps at well below clipping because unlike better console preamps that have a decent amount of headroom, the Mackie pre will put out some very nasty, harsh sound if driven hard.

Really though, for that kind of money, I would look at the Soundcraft Spirit line. Maybe you can find an older one for around $1000US. That would be well worth the price. They usually sell pretty well on the used market unlike Mackies.

Good luck.


P.S. Voxvender, I thought you were gone! Outta here! Never coming back! POD's and Mackies STILL suck dude....:)

...Ed - it took you almost a full 24 hours to get to this thread!!! What's up with that??? :eek:

You're slipping buddy!! :D :D


Thanx fellas!
I've actually looked at some other stuff lately as well....and the Sonusman's reply was very useful , coz it made me think :-) a bit more...and things that make u think are good aren't they...
Thanx guys
Just for an alternate point of view...

While Ed made good points you should consider.... consider also that I run a commercial project studio based around a Mackie console and it serves me well.

But yes, you have to watch the EQ, keep track of headroom on the main buss and I don't use its pres for tracking...

It isn't the be-all-and-end-all that Mackie would have you beleive, but it is functional and very usable.

Re: Ohmigod....

Blue Bear Sound said:
...Ed - it took you almost a full 24 hours to get to this thread!!! What's up with that??? :eek:

You're slipping buddy!! :D :D



Bruce, my fingers have been refusing to type the "M" word these days! It took a full 24 hours to TYPE that post! ;)

I sure remember when people thought the Tascam consoles were the shit! Now people hear them and think "What a cold harsh sound!".

I suspect Mackie will go the same way....:)

sonusman said:
P.S. Voxvender, I thought you were gone! Outta here! Never coming back! POD's and Mackies STILL suck dude....:)

Oh, he's so nice... post a little love note to me, and puts a little smiley face behind it....*tears...*

I feel compelled to return the favor....

Ed, Fuck off! :)
Mackie are okay. People can make good recordings with them and experience. Make sure you get a newer one if buying used. Older ones had impedence issues with the mic pre's. I'm with Ed, I dig the soundcraft sound in general. *******Disclaimer**********
The soundcraft remark is my opinion. I cannot be held responsible for anything at all. Please don't tell me to fuck off, my thearipist says it's not good for my ego. :D
Bruce wrote:
But yes, you have to watch the EQ, keep track of headroom on the main buss and I don't use its pres for tracking...

Do you think digi-plugin eq's would be the logical step up for the mackie eq's? At this point I'm not sure I want to keep putting a lot more money out for hardware--at several hundered $ a chanel.
I've got a few out boards (Symetrix and Rane) that's good for flexibility, but I'm not sure they sound all that much better. It looks like I should do the eq in the pc.
What'd ya think?
Can't help ya there - I don't use and have no experience with plug-ins.... I have outboard EQ, and I do use the board's EQ modestly.

If the tracks are recorded properly - sounding good going to to tape - I find they require very little EQ on mixdown, save for some cutting to shape some of the timbres to help balance the mix.

So for me - I make the board work!

What pres do you use for tracking?

Why pay for all those pres if you're not gonna use em? :D
I know, hence the smilie. But it always burns me when I pay for features in gear I don't use. But again, I suppose the main point of my question is why not buy a board with pres you use? Or did you do that in the beginning, but now you've outgrown it?
Well... mainly 'cos the SSL that I really wanted was out of my budget when I started Blue Bear Sound. So I went with a Mackie based on a number of recommendations - at the same time I knew some of its limitations, so I also planned on tracking directly thru an outboard pre.

Had I known about the Ghost back then, I would have put it under serious consideration, but... you pays your money and you takes your choice!

It serves me well enough until my budget allows either expansion, or upgrading. But, I hardly want to upgrade to another Project-scale board... when I upgrade, it will be a serious upgrade! :)

mixsit said:
Do you think digi-plugin eq's would be the logical step up for the mackie eq's?

I track with my Focusrite ISA 430 Pre, (Unless it's a stereo format, such as keyboards then I just use the Mackie Pre's)....I usually use my Rennaisance Eq Plug-ins (Waves Gold Bundle) and totally bypass the mackie eq's....

Mackie is a good board for the money, like I said before.

The Eq's are decent.. but yeah, My waves plug-ins are better Mixsit.
sonusman said:
P.S. Voxvender, I thought you were gone! Outta here! Never coming back! POD's and Mackies STILL suck dude....:)

Oh, and to kindly answer your inquiry....
Im not really back.... But while cruising the net I saw this thread and had to put in my 2 cents cause I know the Mackie naysayers would steer him (successfully, i now see) away from a decent board... Ed, Think about it friend! You didn't even need to post this question to me... You know my feelings about Mackie... It was by my choice to leave and it is by my choice to return when I want.... Why would I make my first post on a subject that I know im going to get flames from you on... Hmmmm?..

And we will MOST definately chat again, when the next Mackie thread pops up...

And THAT, is the answer to your inquiry...
Oh, and here is the customary smilie face :)