Mackie 24.8 mixer question...


Better Than You
I just picked up a Mackie 24.8 mixer. Great board. However, the SOLO buttons don't seem to "solo" the channels. It solo's them in the meters, but does not mute all the other tracks when one track is in solo. Is this normal? When I push the solo on one of the sub channels, the solo channel light blinks, but still does not mute all the other channels. I could be wrong, but this just doesn't seem right.
I think there should be a solo volume knob in the master section to the far right. Maybe you have to turn that up. I could be wrong though....hope that helps.
yeah there is, but it is up. I plugged the monitors into the control room out, and now the buss solos work like they should. The regular channel solo's still do not. The solo button on the channel lights, and the meters clearly do what they should, but the RUDE solo light does not blink, and the channel is not soloed in the audio mix. I'm also finding that the buss LEDs seem to blip along with the main output a lot, but there is no audio being produced from them, so it's not a big deal.
I got the board for $600 with the metering bridge (although the VU meters don't work, only the LEDs) so I can't bitch much. Thinking if it cost me $300 to get it serviced, I'm still in good shape. If it runs upward of like $500 - $1000....then I'm not in such good shape, and the board is no longer worth the price I paid. It's actually the second one I've tried with the same exact problem. That is why I was thinking I was just doing something wrong, but now I'm pretty sure everything I am doing is right.
yeah there is, but it is up. I plugged the monitors into the control room out, and now the buss solos work like they should. The regular channel solo's still do not. The solo button on the channel lights, and the meters clearly do what they should, but the RUDE solo light does not blink, and the channel is not soloed in the audio mix. I'm also finding that the buss LEDs seem to blip along with the main output a lot, but there is no audio being produced from them, so it's not a big deal.
I got the board for $600 with the metering bridge (although the VU meters don't work, only the LEDs) so I can't bitch much. Thinking if it cost me $300 to get it serviced, I'm still in good shape. If it runs upward of like $500 - $1000....then I'm not in such good shape, and the board is no longer worth the price I paid. It's actually the second one I've tried with the same exact problem. That is why I was thinking I was just doing something wrong, but now I'm pretty sure everything I am doing is right.

Getting the channels to solo is a pretty straight forward process. I had the 32.8 long time ago, and I don't remember it being this difficult. Sorry if I wasn't much help.
Anyways, maybe it is time to get it serviced. Who knows. But for $600 bucks, I guess you can't complain much. Good luck though.

Oh, just a headsup....if you do try to get it serviced. Good luck on parts from mackie. I like their products, but there support sucks (sorry to say). I got rid of my mackie cause of lack of support from them. They give out a lot of B/S excuses.
Just to be sure (because I'm reading a few things that seem unclear)...

The solo function only affects the monitoring path (in case anyone thought anything different).
To expand upon what Massive said, your Mackie sounds like it is functioning exactly how it should. The solo buttons should take a channel, and place it in the solo metering path as well as the control room output path but NOT the stereo left and right path. There is however a button on the mackies if I remember right that allows you to mute all other channels in the main path also when you solo things. It is just not a feature which is very wanted in most all scenarios. In fact often times it is very unwanted. Some bigger better consoles make it very hard to activate this feature. I know that at least some of the larger Midas consoles actually have this feature isolated under a plastic cover like a nuclear trigger or something so you can't accidentally enable it.

Consider this, you are running a mix, or even worse, a show or a live mix and you reach out to mute a channel. Instead you accidentally hit the solo switch which happens to be right next to the mute button. Say your current mix was 40+ channels. If you had your solo to mains feature activated you would have just killed 39+ channels and replaced them with 1 channel that you had actually intended to take out of the mix. Also, many solos are often labeled or at least run as "pfl". This means prefader level. What if you had this channel that you accidentally solo'ed down at -40 on the fader to keep it very buried in the mix. By accidentally soloing it you replaced 39+ channels with a channel you went to mute. You also replaced all of those with that bad channel at 40db higher then you had intended. You may have just blown a pair of studio monitors, or a PA rig! Solo to mains is usually not very desirable, hopefully you can see why now ;)
Just to be are not monitoring the B-mix are you? Your master section "Assign to L/R Mix" switch is not depressed is it? Because if your input signal goes through the B-mix, this will effect your ability to solo the channel.

Also the correct source must be chosen in the Monitor section.
To expand upon what Massive said, your Mackie sounds like it is functioning exactly how it should. The solo buttons should take a channel, and place it in the solo metering path as well as the control room output path but NOT the stereo left and right path. There is however a button on the mackies if I remember right that allows you to mute all other channels in the main path also when you solo things. It is just not a feature which is very wanted in most all scenarios. In fact often times it is very unwanted. Some bigger better consoles make it very hard to activate this feature. I know that at least some of the larger Midas consoles actually have this feature isolated under a plastic cover like a nuclear trigger or something so you can't accidentally enable it.

Consider this, you are running a mix, or even worse, a show or a live mix and you reach out to mute a channel. Instead you accidentally hit the solo switch which happens to be right next to the mute button. Say your current mix was 40+ channels. If you had your solo to mains feature activated you would have just killed 39+ channels and replaced them with 1 channel that you had actually intended to take out of the mix. Also, many solos are often labeled or at least run as "pfl". This means prefader level. What if you had this channel that you accidentally solo'ed down at -40 on the fader to keep it very buried in the mix. By accidentally soloing it you replaced 39+ channels with a channel you went to mute. You also replaced all of those with that bad channel at 40db higher then you had intended. You may have just blown a pair of studio monitors, or a PA rig! Solo to mains is usually not very desirable, hopefully you can see why now ;)

Soloing channels only effects the control room, and headphone outs. Not the main outs to solve that very problem.

Even the RUDE solo light is not blinking when the solo button is pushed as it should.
SOLO on Mackie 24-8

I have two Mackie 24-8 boards; one works as expected, the other is optioned for the SOLO to work 'post mute and slider'. You might give that a try. You can contact me at if you have other questions on this board.