Mackie 1604 Panning Issues


New member

Can anyone tell me why i cannot pan channels such as overheads left and right on my mackie 1604 mixer? However when i solo the channels i can hear them panned. Does not make any sense to me.

16 inputs going in from a tape machine.
Left and right cables coming out of the cr(control room) to my speakers.
Only L-R is selected on all channels to main mix.

I know im going to kick myself when i find out the problem but can anyone shed some light on this???


Hearing it solo'd will only happen when a "solo in place" (on the Mackie?) is engaged. Why you would hear a mono mix otherwise is unusual unless there's also a "mono" switch engaged also...
not quite sure what you mean.

Nothing is soloed. If i turn the pan knob on any of the channels it does not do anything to the sound. The channel signal still remains in the centre of the stereo field.

What am i doing wrong?

L-R switch is engaged on each channel. In control room - the 'to main mix is engaged.

So it should work.

Any thoughts?