Mackie 1402 vlz / Roland VS-840EX hookup options?


Just some guy from NZ
I've just managed to buy my newbie-self a Mackie 1402 vlz, for very little cash, 2nd hand from a pawnshop for around $165 US, which I am still pinching myself over...

I bought it mainly for preamps and phantom power for my future mic purchases. However, I'm beginning to see that there are many possible ways to hook this thing up, and I'm wondering if anyone here has experience with this (or similar) combinations, and would care to share their knowledge.

I am not totally mixer-stupid, but I am aware that a little bit of knowledge can be a very dangerous thing...

Is there any point running the VS's main outs through the mackie at mixdown, or go direct from the vs to whatever I'm mixing down to? If running thru the mackie, do you use stereo channels or mic channels for a bit of extra gain? Any handy setup tips. Any advice is greatly appreciated, thanks,
Control Room Out

Hi! I have a VS-880EX and a Mackie 1402 VLZ.I use the "Tape In" RCA's to monitor the VS,and I've got my MIDI modules and FX plugged into the Mackie's channels.To listen to the whole thing,I use the "Control Room" outputs instead of the "Main Mix",because by so doing I can choose to listen to only the VS by pressing "Tape",or only the MIDI stuff by pressing "Main " or only the FX by pressing "Alt3/4" or all together by pressing all 3.It all depends on how you hook it up and how you like to work.Cheers!