Macbook Pro Questions


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I recently made the switch from a roland VS to Logic Express on my macbook pro. I haven't done any actual sessions yet but here is what i have found just messing around with logic and my drums. THIS THING GETS HOT FAST! I am concerned of it's ability to run through and entire session. Any thoughts guys?


I recently made the switch from a roland VS to Logic Express on my macbook pro. I haven't done any actual sessions yet but here is what i have found just messing around with logic and my drums. THIS THING GETS HOT FAST! I am concerned of it's ability to run through and entire session. Any thoughts guys?

That's probably normal. The metal case basically acts like a giant heat sink to dissipate heat, and the Core 2 does produce quite a lot of heat when running at full throttle.

I assume the fans aren't revving up? If they are, and if it is objectionable, there are various tools out there that will let you tweak the thermal calibration tables to run the fan continuously at a slightly higher base RPM, which will cause it to make a little more noise all the time so that it doesn't rev to a higher RPM and disrupt things as often.

I wouldn't worry about it crashing from heat or anything. Its fans should kick in long before it gets to that point. If they don't, then something is wrong.
No worries

Apparently when the MacBook is being used for recording it runs cooler! j/k. But it never got hot at all recording 4 channels to an external HD. There are some days when i am just emailing and surfing the interwebs this thing will get piping hot. Who knows.
They are pretty hot running machines. :shrug:

Prop up the back of the machine to allow more air to flow under and around the machine and the heat will dissipate faster.
The temperature is related to how hard the CPU is working. The CPU runs at a very reduced speed until more speed is needed, (up to the point of even powering down CPU cores entirely, IIRC, but don't quote me on that).

When the CPU is mostly idle (running a recording app with a FireWire interface, the CPU is almost completely idle unless you're using a lot of plug-ins), it runs cool. When it is doing a lot of work, it runs hot.

By contrast, a lot of lousy websites with flash animation or Javascript that runs constantly in the background can really waste truckloads of CPU power for no good reason. That's where a good email to the site administrator can help....
I wouldn't worry about it...yeah they run a little hot... I can run my macbook pro on stage with all the hot lights and it has no problems =) They're pretty well designed machines, so I doubt you'll run into any problems as a result.