Macbook Black Anyone?


New member
hey guys, i just baught a macbook black about 2 weeks ago, i love it. and soon i will be buying ableton live for it,and i will be using it for live performance's with my band(just for backing tracks and click tracks) i live off this mac so i have my music library on it, however i am not downloading of torrents so i shouldn't get any virus's or anything like that.

i will also be putting 2 more gigs of memory on it, and it has 250 gigs of harddrive

will i be ok?
thank you, hope you can help me!
I've been using a 2.2 Ghz Core2Duo Black MacBook since December. Works fine for me running Logic Express 8, FM8, Korg Legacy Collection (AE 2007 and DE) as well as Cakewalk's Dimension Pro.
i think i will be fine with my white macbook with only 1 gig of ram and a 120 gb hard drive
The more RAM the better, load it up to the max if you can afford to.

Also, an external firewire hard drive at 7200rpm will be better for audio work than the internal 5400rpm drive. Also, 250 megs is really not a lot for audio work. I'd suggest a 500 gig external at the least, if you can swing a terabyte that would be even better.