Mac vs. PC Which One?


New member
I am going to record out of a mixer into an 8-track unit (Haven't purchased it yet, but close). This is for my church. Any recommendations on computer specs to sufficiently run this. I will probably use Cool Edit Pro (just because I'm familiar with it) to start. I'm ready to buy the computer, but just want to make sure I get what I need.
First of all.... did you read the spec's??? CEP is PC-only.

I've owned Macs and PC's since the early 80s and at this point in time, the choice of platform is irrelevant. Pick the software you want to run... see what it will run on.... and then pick whichever one you are comfortable with and can get support on. ANY of the current Macs or PCs will run any audio program well.

If you are the only Mac-person in your town, it's harder to get someone to help you with your computer. If you are a PC-person with a bunch of collaborators who are Mac-only, you're not going to have much luck when you need to tweak your PC to get it to work right.

ALWAYS USE THE K.I.S.S. PRICIPLE = Keep It Simple, Stupid.

Whichever platform you pick, get in a user group in your area... they have answers to questions you don't even have yet. Better yet, have the church let the local computer group meet there... you might get some geeks to install and tune up your systems for free.
One question answered

Ok that reply helped. I have used Cool Edit Pro on my home system but only editing one track at a time. If I go to 8-track recording, what kind of processor, ram, etc. should I look at?
Im not too hip on off the shelf PC's. Build one or have an outfit build one for you with audio recording in mind.
To save a little dough, stay a little behing the latest, greatist products.
Maybe 1gig CPU 256mb ram 2 40gig HD's with one dedicated to audio.

I agree with mr Stealth,

don't get one off the shelf. Configure your own and build or have it built
for you. Just do lot's of research on the parts. But I would however
go for a PC. I don't know if it's just me. But check the magazines today.
It seems there is a shift towards the PC. I think more software and hardware
manufacturers are producing stuff for the PC. I think more home recordists
are using PCs. I read it implied in more than one PC mag, the OS-x is Apple's last
card. If it is I wouldn't want it to be mine too. The PC is more affordable too.
The Mac is surely a great machine in terms of performance. But if one them were
to go I think it would be the Mac. It certainly won't be the PC.
whats up with the 8-track??

do you mean like an ADAT or DA-XX?? good choices, either one.. you can then get a card (optica or TDIF) that lets you fly in all 8 tracks at once.. good times there.

U want to go mac! get amac with fire wire and u can record 8 seperate tracks into it then! Mac are better al round than PC's for mulitmedia in the whole! I ran a PC with cubase for a few years but I have just got a one of the new shiney Limited edition macs and man these computers are so much better than PC's!
If u are goin to go mac then take a look at I think that they migh deliver to US!
c_r_a_z_y said:
U want to go mac! get amac with fire wire and u can record 8 seperate tracks into it then! Mac are better al round than PC's for mulitmedia in the whole!

Ahahahaa... I laugh at these statements

Next your gonna tell us that apples are better then oranges.

hey, is Blue is better then Red?!?:eek::eek::eek:

Man, If i had a penny everytime I heard this Mac/PC debate....