Mac G4 and Firepod issues


New member
I recently purchased a Firepod to use with my Mac Power Book G4, 1.25 GHz, 1 GB DDR SDRAM. I have Cubase SX 2.0.2.

I recently recorded 8 mono tracks with the Firepod. there were lots of skips and audio drop outs causing the tracks to be out of sync with each other.
so i increased the audio buffer to 1024 samples, set the audio priority to very high, preload amount to 6 secs, and decreased the tracks to 16 bit recording. I also consolidated 6 of the mono tracks to 3 stereo. this relieved most of the problem but it still happened a couple of times. :confused:

what can i do? what am i missing? I couldn't find a firepod update on
