M2524: 2 questions


New member
It's been quite some time since I posted here, hope I'm still welcome!!

Anyways. How much of a pain would it be to change the battery (if there is one) that stores the mute scenes? I recently was graced with a reset of all previously stored scenes to, well nothing, don't know if they're storing properly anymore. Is there a service manual page handy?? ;p

2. A new plague! Dunno why this happens. I was running a synth into 2 channels and loud, not clipping the pre loud, just loud out my mains. my 2524 blinked and turned back on with the mute 'wave' clicking by. this happened about 3 times in under 20 minutes. Would a voltage sag allow the unit to brown out like that? Sorry if I'm not explaining elaborately. THanks, all

if the board was the only thing affected it most likely was Not a brown out issue... i suspect you've got a trip to the service guy in your future... do it now before it toasts and you'll save money in the long run... ie. when it eventualy blows it could take more parts with it...
Take it to a tech and get him to also change the battery while you are there.

I have heard of a flat battery causing issues with this console, but I can't remember what the issues were. I think there was a post on another forum where the console would not turn on with a completely flat battery so that would be my 1st fix. But if it's turning on and off I would get it checked out, it could be a faulty power lead or power supply, fix it before it become more expensive.


I dunno. Here's the overview- the amps are hooked up to the same power center as the board. I cannot recreate the symptom with the output speakers at low volume, gains high. Only when the amps are on full honk, I think there's enough dimming going on around the board where perhaps a voltage sag would trigger the power transformer/switch in the board to safely click off then back on again - and not necessarily an internal issue with the board. Do we know of anyone else who might have experienced this? Is there such a safety feature on this console?

The room I have is in an old industrial building where the electric is not as stable as a home studio. Other people in other rooms subtract from available power as well, so my room can squeak by with the available Voltage at times. Add the fact that 2 amps are driving sets of speakers sucking even more juice, well you can kind of see the plausibility in this.

The margin for ground loop hum is great considering the arcane electrical routing in my place, so I haven't really considered routing others elsewhere. Anyway its pretty much equal throughout the room on the unstable Voltage side.

The reason why this concerned me is recently I had a live gang in the room running full steam on about 20 channels and cranking out the larger monitors with no incident. And they are coming back. Don't want to look like the sap when the board clicks in mid session.

Well first off that battery should be replaced, I will consider that first before going through with a clean-bill-o-health overhaul.

Taking the unit to the shop is the right thing to do in the long run, glad I have a trusty ol' M312 waiting to sub in.