m firewire 410 vs mbox2? help


New member
i found a m audio firewire 410 for 100 obo, i currently run pt 8 on mbox2 into 24 channel mixer, or backwards for fact of matter, but anyways wondered if it would be a good deal and if that would be upgrading going to the 410 from mbox2 and if is compatible with pt8. i wanna jump on the deal if its something that takes me up another notch. help with any insight is appriciated guys, TIA
if you want it, grab it. However, it won't be compatible with the version of PT you're using right now. The Mbox uses PT LE while the 410 needs PT M-Powered...which you will need to purchase separately.
positives/negatives on switch?

ok so even if thats a steal for the interface, now i must purchase another pt m liscense since i am le now. so what are +/-'s of switching? would it be worth it and do anything beyond what the mbox2 is doing already. thanks again guys