M-Audio Trigger Finger


New member
Hey all- I posted this at Harmony Central's recording forum as well, in case any of you are over there and see a dupe of this question:

OK- I know this is likely a really silly question, but bear with a guy who hardly uses MIDI:

I use Sonar 4, have an Alesis QS-8 keyboard and basic 2X2 MIDI interface. Primarily using drum loops (DOD, Beta Monkey, Session Loops and the like) to get my demos done quickly with decent pre-fab looped drum tracks. I record a limited amount of MIDI into Sonar via the Alesis; I know the basics of getting MIDI to and fro...

I am thinking about getting the M-Audio Trigger Finger (http://www.m-audio.com/products/en_...inger-main.html) as a supplement to my drum loops. I HATE programming MIDI drums on the Alesis keyboard; the M-Audio unit looks to be a lot more flexible, and I am a "finger-tappin'" kind of drum beat guy anyway. Check out the demo video- some decent controller options for other aspects that could be used in Sonar (or whatever DAW) as well... pretty cool.

The question:
How the heck can I use the M-Audio TF to trigger all my great one-shots from my (ever-growing) library of drum loop CDs? Do I need to load my one-shots into some sort of a soft-sampler that the M-Audio would then trigger (I'd then record one track as MIDI and another as the actual .wav data in Sonar?).

Clear as mud?!?!? Thanks in advance for bearing with me.... :o
