M AUDIO sucks! Not my words btw..

Well, some people have sort of hinted that they've seen the problem with other cards, but I haven't heard anything concrete yet. I also remember at least one person say that they couldn't repeat the problem with another card, but it's hard for people to understand this problem for some reason so who knows. All we'd need is concrete proof that at least one card does not exhibit this behavior and we'd know that either a) WDM is not flawed or b) WDM is flawed but it is possible to work around the problem in the drivers or software (hence other cards or combinations of cards and software might be fine).

I not sure that it will ever be fixed. It will probably be up to the soundcard manufacturers to fix it no matter where the blame lies. A few ms won't matter to microsoft :)

Actually, if it is WDM, then we very well might have to turn to the application developers to work around this, because the problem might not be solvable at the driver level.

Slackmaster 2000
lucid said:
jdechant: samplitude told me it was 4ms... in the highlighted bit it says the start and stop points, but it also says length, and that was 4ms...

I was just saying it was 5 based on the numbers you gave... which you are gonna trust to be the most accurate is up to you
I had some SERIOUS people issues with muadio/midiman/delta whatever

they TOTALLY lied to me about using 2 midisports in one PC on win2k. They had me reinstall my OS to " fix the problem". When I called back and said, ok I did it, they said " oh we told you to reinstall the OS to scare you off...we didnt think you'd do it!"

so, go to hell midiman
WDM Offset Problem Fixed

I just tried out Midiman's new beta driver. I am happy to say that the track offset problem is resolved in this driver. Midiman say they will be posting the driver on their site shortly.

bd can you post a link to that driver, or just tell us where you got it? and it's 'name' (number, really...)

thanks man
The driver is not available yet. They will post it soon. They let me test it, but I gave my word not to distribute it.
Ok Ben, that explains your behaviour, should have said that before. I wouldn´t have gone "Hmmmmmmmm" had I known that but I thought something like that was the reason. No approx date for its release?
i wish i was special so i could get drivers before they even get released! haha, lucky one you are... like alonso said: any expected dates?
I think he got the drivers because we was the head of a wave that would crash upon them if they did not provide a solution for a problem that people began to notice. I guess he was the one that opened the door, and Midiman did not want the monster out there. Hail Bedemenil!!!!!!!!!
M-Audio certainly f###ed my system!

Not long after I purchased my new Dell, I installed Sonar, and began researching the hardware I needed to get the best possible sound. Everything I had read (from M-Audio and Musician's Friend) led me to believe that the M-Audio Quattro and the Omni I/O were the perfect combination. So, I ordered them. They arrived, and I eagerly followed the instructions for loading the driver, and installing the hardware.
To make a long, frustrating story short, my system locked up, and my harddrive was corrupted. Hours on the phone with Dell couldn't repair the damage. Calls and emails to M-Audio weren't much better (I asked to talk to a tech, and the person I was handed off to sounded as knowledgeable as the janitor - literally!). After several more calls, they agreed to replace the units, and supply the "correct" drivers (seems they advertized and promoted these items BEFORE the proper drivers were designed and made available!). Calls to Musician's Friend were just as frustrating. I was told by a "manager" that I could NOT return the items for a refund because of their "policy of not refunding software" (verbatim quote). So, at my expense, I returned the items to M-Audio, since Musician's Friend ("M F" indeed) refused to refund. I paid to have my computer repaired. I lost all my filed. In short, I was pissed.
New units arrived with the "correct" software.
Same damn thing. Computer locked up. This time (thank God) I was able to revert and save my computer, at least.
After several more emails and calls to M F, they agreed to refund my money, telling me, "Unfortunately, we've had a LOT of customers who've had problems like yours with M-Audio products" (again, verbatim).
Yet, MF still carries M-Audio products, and to my knowledge they have never issued a warning of possible problems on their website.
So, many, many hours of frustration, loss of files, computer repair bills, and out-of-pocket shipping expenses has led me to one conclusion:

Do NOT, for any reason, even briefly consider purchasing ANY product from M-Audio!

I have NEVER had such frustration from ANY product or company. Did they even offer an apology? No. Any hope that they would assist with compensating me for repairs for damage that THEIR PRODUCTS caused my brand-new computer was not even conceivable. M-Audio does indeed, in my humble opinion, SUCK.
yeah, the beta which is currently up is not the good one. It will be coming soon.

BTW - for ntrack users - the newest version of ntrack will still not work correctly with the new drivers. Believe it or not it actualy sometimes puts newly recorded tracks in front of the originals. ie - the original track lags in comparison to the new one. I'm pretty sure this is an ntrack bug, as it is not exibited by other software. Also, when I reverted to an older version of ntrack (3.0.3) the bug went away.
Slackmaster2K said:
Teacher, those beta's are for a problem with Acid 4.0 and they've been up for a few weeks now.

Slackmaster 2000

it can't be for a few weeks cuz the date says 9/9/2002 unless those dates are their for show...well i installed them anyway and they work. haven't done the test but they work
Beta driver v31 experiences

I just bought my second delta card yesterday - and so I guess I've been lucky not to walk through all these hairy frustrations most of you have gone through.

I found out all about that 'm-audio driver support sucks' recently, which I thougt was too late.
But I decided before returning the second card (I already got a delta 44 and wanted to add some more outs for surround mixing so I picked the delta 410).

After I've ordered the delta 410 and read about all the problems (should have done it the other way around?!?) I contacted the german m-audio support and asked if it would be possible to run a delta 44 alongside a delta 410 under Win XP (internal sync and all that...) - and he told me "yes it is possible with the new beta driver v31".

I just downloaded the beta v31 driver WDM_5100031_BETA.EXE from the m-audio website, installed the cards and as far as I tested it - my delta 44 and my delta 410 run in sync with no problems (no intense testing yet). I never tried an older driver version so I can not tell how it would have worked out in that case.

The tech told me that there will be an official release of the final version next week.
So - is there still hope for the ones who have not been so frustrated to sell their delta cards???

Until the release of the final version I'd like to hear your experiences with the new beta driver.....

beta crashes

I just tried out It craches my computer - There is currently no good low latency wdm driver available that doesn't have lag.

It's a travesty that they are still posting the .27 driver as the preffered driver for XP. That driver is unusable for WDM apps if you plan on doing any overdubs. They know it - they've admitted it. So why hasn't a new driver been released - it's been months since they admitted they had a lag issue - and that was only after months of complaining.
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I can relate. I decide to forget the latency thing and take the mix outside the computer and monitor my voice live in the headphones along with the mix. This avoids the latency issue alltogether.