m-audio question


New member
hey guys, trying to make some decisions about some gear. i'm gonna be recording rock and acoustic music, so acoustic and electric guitar, bass, vocals, and drums. based on the mics i'm gonna get, i'll be recording at most 4 tracks at first (though i want more capacity in the future). i'm using a year and a half old macbook pro. i'm going with protools because that what i've recorded with when i worked at the recording studio at school.

i'm trying to understand the difference between:

profire2626 (firewire) - http://www.m-audio.com/products/en_us/ProFire2626.html
fasttrack ultra 8R - http://www.m-audio.com/products/en_us/FastTrackUltra8R.html

i can't decide on firewire vs. usb, but the fasttrack ultra is $200 cheaper and i can't really figure out why. i want the large number of XLR inputs, not necessarily other stuff, but i'm still not educated enough to understand all the little differences. as far as i can tell the preamps are the same, which would the one key difference for me.

my questions for you are:
-firewire vs. usb: which should i go with?
-is there extra stuff in the profire that is overkill for what i'm looking to do?

thanks for all your help!
I owned the ProFire2626, and it's really great! I record everything through it, but I bought this mainly to record a drumkit. I used to only take 6 tracks for the drums, but I got new mics so I'm using all the inputs and I must say that this thing is reliable at best! It doesn't "jam" or, I don't have the right term, "bug" the software when you're dealing with a lot of tracks going on all together...

The sound: what you hear when you record, is what you hear when you playback. The quality is A-1.

For the difference between USB and Firewire, check this out : http://www.usb-ware.com/firewire-vs-usb.htm
It can give you a little idea of what is the difference.

But the ProFire2626 is an incredible interface.

I hope it helps a little...
you're welcome, and if you're using ProTools, be sure to get the M-Powered version, it is made especially for M-Audio interfaces... although you may already know that...;)