M-Audio ProjectMix I/O vs NVR10

Depends on what your needs are. Are you looking to do more larger studio work or do you need something simple and portable?
Really not looking for it to be portable. I'm looking to have the best sound quality possible in this price range for a home studio with hardware that I don't have to upgrade every few years
Well I wouldnt get either if ur looking for sound quality. I also would not spend the money on the project mix with plans to be set for awhile. The project mix is getting pretty dated. I have the 1814 which is the same sound card but without the control surface.

Maudio has not been the best company for keeping up with driver updates (especially windows) and I am guessing the PM I/O will continue to loose support.

If u have to have a control surface and want quality I would plan on buying outboard pres and converters.