M-Audio Ozone and Reason problems


New member
I just got an M-audio Ozone midi interface and I'm running Reason 3.0. I'm wondering if I have a defective keyboard or are my problems normal. My problems are 1) sometimes during playback the sound gets all scratchy 2) the sequencer freezes up (or the keyboard does causing the sequencer to) when the internal fan comes on luckily I can still save the piece I'm working on. I end up restarting my computer very often and it really sucks. There are other occasional problems too but these are the main ones. Anyone having similiar problems? Any fixes other than restarting everything?
Go to the Propellerheads site and download the most current revision of the program - I have 3.0.4 - and it should take care of most if not all of your problems.

The Ozone is also an audio interface as well as a USB keyboard. How do you have it set up?

I'm pretty sure that the Ozone is freezing up when the fan comes on, which is weird. The software and pc function fine at all times but once the keyboard freezes up the usb midi functions stop and the reason sequencer won't play back and actually freezes. It doesn't really make much sense. I don't think ram or processing speed are causing my problems. I have some emails in to a few other places. The laptop manufacturer couldn't help me. I'm thinking about disconecting the fan but that sounds messy...
Set up- I have it going through the usb and set up in Reason then headphones running from the Ozone, quite basic. The Ozone works as a sound card. Eventually I will have a mic running and probably a Bass into Ozone as well.