M-Audio Omni Studio + Win XP


New member
Anyone ever tried this? I could not get the Delta66 card to be recogized in Win2K Pro and am wondering if XP has simialr problems. FYI, I downloaded the W2K drivers from midiman and still no go in W2K....

PC stats are:

AMD TBird 1GHz
VIA KT-133A chipset
512 MB Ram
Maxtor 20GB HD
Win XP

For kicks I uninstalled W2K and then installed Win98 2E. After that the Delta66 worked fine... The problem is that I just can't stand to use a buggy POS like Win 98....

Any advice to get the card working in Win2K or Win XP is welcome. Thanks.
I'm pleased to annouce that my Omni Studio (Delta 66 card) properly installed in Win XP without a hitch.

Not that anyone cares :) but it may be usefull to someone else in the future.
Actually, since I use the Delta 66 and am going to be getting XP I do care. Is that XP home version you are using or Pro?
