m-audio audophile soundcard


New member
i have been leanring more things aorund home recording and have got my head around things pretty well now

but i need advice on a sound card. i will be running my guitar through a mixer and into the computer, the rest fo the music will be done through midi instuments in cubase (through a midi keyboard) so i need a sound card with the relevant inputs and outputs for a mixer hoookup and a midi input.

this is one i found, but what worries me is that its own softwar come with its own mixing software and everything......can i just install the soundcard, install the drivers and then ignore the program, mix using the external mixer i will buy and play through cubase? if so this soundcard is for....

here it is.

also now you can see what inputs and outputs it has, will it work with this mixer....and if so what leads woudl i need to connect the mixer to the soundcard (input and output)


hope you guys can help, i will be runnning cubase sx 3 and will have some more midi sound libraries (extra) for it but that its about it, i wont be wanting to use any other piece of software.

You could probably save the money you were going to spend on a mixer and get this instead. It has two switchable line/guitar inputs, so if you ever wanted to have another guitarist over to 'jam' you would be all set.

Cubase has a mixer page and a pretty darn good virtual mixer for your output needs - add some powered speakers and you'll be happenin'!
i have had helpf rom a great member at this site (he chatted to me) about these two an i think i will gow tih them both,

the mixer is cheap and helps me as one day i will want to set up with a mic and maybe a live drum set. so to have it all worked out already would be handy,

thanks for the tips though, really appreicate any help i get :)

trying to cubase for cheap, thats a tough one ;)
idrisguitar said:
the mixer is cheap and helps me as one day i will want to set up with a mic and maybe a live drum set.

You're gonna run out of channels real quick when you want to record drums with that little mixer.