M Audio 1814

Benifit-The Ability to have Pro Tools M-Powered (only $249!)
They are all nice pieces, but just having Pro Tools may make it worth it, Not to say that other programs aren't just as good. My pro tools argument is that a lot of people are using it, and can help you. If you call up a local semi/pro studio, they are most likely using pro tools.

ATTN: Everyone.. I am not knocking other programs, this is just my personal opinion.

Also, if you look at the little icons where it shows computer comatablity, (both Mac! and PC..) there is something relatively new; 64bit Audio drivers. This is real nice, because if you have a 64 bit machine, ie AMD Athlon 64, FX, or a Apple G5 machine (even the new core duo i think is 64 bit) you will be able to utilize this advanced processing power.

Firepod and Motu Traveler are cool too. the Delta 1010 only gives you 10 i/o. im a big fan of having too much i/o so it gives your room to expand, and not have to unplug things to record something else.

Also, if you are willing to spend some extra $$, check out the M-Audio Project Mix, Digi 002Rack, and there are 3 Tascam firewire interfaces.

Have fun