M-3700 as DAW controler


New member
Ok got small midi problem.I'm trying to use my Tascam M-3700 with midi automation to control my PreSonus S1v2 Pro.I have the midi from the mixer pluged into the midi of one of my firestudio projects.Studio 1 is reconizing it and am able to use the midi learn to load the mute buttons but not the faders.Anyone have any ideas on how to make it work?
I'm sure you have it figured out by now, but I thought I might add my two cents in anyway. I seem to remember there are dip switches above the automation window that need to be set correctly. I have mine set to Dynamic SMPTE 30NDF. The settings should be 1 Off, 2 On, 3 Off, 4 On. I've had it work with DP for a while.

Hope it helps!
I'm sure you have it figured out by now, but I thought I might add my two cents in anyway. I seem to remember there are dip switches above the automation window that need to be set correctly. I have mine set to Dynamic SMPTE 30NDF. The settings should be 1 Off, 2 On, 3 Off, 4 On. I've had it work with DP for a while.

Hope it helps!

The frame rate does no really effect the midi control as such, but it does affect the sync or the locking to external sources. For example if the mixer was using the on board automation it would need to see incoming smpte code so that it knows the exact location of the song. As long as you have the external and internal smpte settings the same there is no problem. Different parts of the world use different frame rates for video and film so that is why there are different rates, see here.

Same if it was being used as an external controller, it would need an incoming position indicator, smptle or maybe midi telling it where the song position is that you can make the changes to the DAW. Then to make the actual changes there will need to be transmitted messages to the DAW from the M3700 via midi. I have never used the M3700 as a controller, yet, but I do have it locked to an external hard disk recorder and a 16 track tape machine via smpte.
