M-2600 for Live application


New member
I need to use my Tascam M-2600 16 ch for live gig for the simple reason need to create 5 separate monitor mixes. Is there an easy way to do this with the Aux sends ??? Tried hooking up JBL Eon 315's to Aux 5 thru 8 but have low volume and only 6,7,8 will work.Really need to figure this out before Sat Feb 25 2012.One of the bands plans to use in ear monitors thus needing 5 mixes rest of band are just 4 mixes.
Have you read the manual? The aux sends are not all set up the same.

This is from a review I found:
A common way to arrange the effects send system on a budget desk is to provide more aux buses than send controls, and then use some kind of switching system to move the sends from one bus to another. Tascam have taken a quite different approach on the M-2600, providing eight aux buses which are permanently addressed by two stereo sends and four mono sends.

Sends 1 and 2 are arranged as a stereo pair, with Level and Pan controls, fed from the Channel signal. Sends 3 and 4 are similarly set out but this time they are fed from the Monitor path. Normally, both sets of stereo sends are pre-fade, enabling the user to set up stereo cue mixes from either the channel signals or the multitrack outputs, but a single Post button switches both stereo sends to post-fade operation for use as stereo effects sends. As cue is only needed while recording, and given that you can never have too many effects sends while mixing, this would seem like a very good arrangement.

The remaining four sends are dedicated post-fade effects sends, Aux 5 and 6 being permanently fed from the Channel signal path. Sends 7 and 8 are switchable, so that they can be fed either from the Channel or Monitor signal. Because so much is switchable between the Channel and Monitor path on the M-2600, the Monitor section itself offers only Level and Pan controls plus an overload LED and Mute switch. The overload indicator only flashes when the signal exceeds 25dB above the nominal operating level, so there's no lack of headroom, and the Mute button has an amber status LED to signify that the signal is muted.

Does this help?

Alan it helps a little but sounding like this will not be good for live application. Was looking at your studio webpage and am considering getting an M-3700 minus the meter bridge
Desks used for monitor purposes generally have LOTS of pre fade auxes available so you can use them to create individually customised mixes. I don't know the Tascam range at all but this is something to consider when deciding on what mixer to buy.

There are some desks more suitable for monitor mixing than others.
Alan it helps a little but sounding like this will not be good for live application. Was looking at your studio webpage and am considering getting an M-3700 minus the meter bridge

Are you thinking of a m3700 for live? Forget it for live, takes 2 people just to lift it and they are not built for the road. For the studio it is great. However if you can get a full meter bridge go for that.

5 sends of independent foldback sends is a lot to run from front of house, why don't you talk them into having 4 sends, the 2600 will be able to do this.

Also I have used my tascam m2524 as a live desk and it sounded great. My favourite option with foldback is to have a separate desk running foldback, one that is actually a foldback desk, they usually have up to 8 sends.


Alan yes the 3700 would be for the studio only but guess i'm going to rent a board for this gig

Oh and make sure that the operating manual comes with the m3700, you will need it as the m3700 has some great features that are hard to work out if you don't have the manual.

On the M-2600 MkII you'll need to patch jumpers from all the tape outs to the corresponding tape ins since some auxes are configured for tape monitoring.

Actually, one of my many projects is to scan the manual before it disintegrates. It may take me a couple of weeks to get to it or I may do it tomorrow (wait, it's already tomorrow).