m-2516 Mixer Fader

wildflower soul

New member
I've taken my m-2516 mixer to be repaired because channel 6 fader was loose. He told me he may be unable to obtain a replacement. Does anyone know if its possible to find the part I'm looking for or should I give up?
It's a standard 100mm linear fader, no?

It's a common part from several different parts manufacturers so, even if TASCAM parts is out of stock, a suitable replacement shouldn't be a problem to source out.

If your technician is giving you grief about that, find a different shop.

Cheers! :)
The Ghost of FM said:
If your technician is giving you grief about that, find a different shop.
problem is he's the only guy in town who works on older gear(Buffalo, NY). I mentioned to him that a replacement shouldnt be a huge problem even if Tascam doesnt have them someone else makes something that would fit I'd like to assume.