

New member
You are an endless song running through my head.
You are in my dreams as I lie in bed.
Where can I go to escape your love?
You are down below and you are high above!

I will meet you on this holy mountain.
I will lay down at your feet.
I will drink from the living fountain.
Your love it is so sweet!

Your fire lights the sky
And I can't say goodbye
To the chance of knowing my creator.

You have taken my selfishness and given me compassion
Lord your love runs deep! How did this ever happen....
Now I know what it's like to be in love with you.
You give me love, life and peace I know it's true

I will meet you on this holy mountain.
I will lay down at your feet.
I will drink from the living fountain.
Your love it is so sweet!

For your enjoyment (or annoyance)
Comments are welcome!

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Hi Matt.
Nice lyrics.
You did a good job on them.

Everything clicks. The verses, bridge and chorus, which is my favorite part.
I'd like to hear it when you record it.

Keep on writing.
Yea it might be awhile, before anyone gets to hear it, unfortunately. I am very new at recording and I have never posted a song before, so I have a lot of learning to do. Which stinks cause I would really like some feedback on the music as well as the words. When I di get it all figured out though - this song will be the first to be posted. It has a great melody on the chorus that I can't wait to share!

Hey, m.

Good lyrics! It does indeed flow really well. At first read a only a few things stood out to me.

1) "You give me love, life and peace I know it's true"

The "I know its true" sounds a little trite to me, but fits the genre.

I always wonder why pop and religious songs say "I know its true" so often- of course you think its true! You're writing a song about it! :) Its kind of a cliche ryhm with "you", I guess. A minor pet peeve of mine- that phrase tends to seem like filler to me. Most folks wouldn't be bothered by it.

2) "I will drink from the living fountain" has a couple meanings to it. :eek:

In the context of the song it probably doesn't matter, but I nearly choked on my coffee reading it in text. But then, I'm really keen on multiple meanings in word choice and maybe no one else would notice.

Good stuff. Not annoying at all. Keep it up!

Heh Heh.....:(

I think you may have ruined the song for me....;)

Thanks for the ideas! Your right on that one verse being a filler.
It was one of those times that I had the music down and was so excited to complete the song and sing it that I settled for a wek line...For now! It will deffinantly be revamped soon. Thanks again for the thoughts. (well I am not so sure I should thank you for that one certain thought, I will have to put up a mental block every time I sing that line now.. dangit!)

Hey Matt ..Good work..The line ..."How did this ever happen"..Seems to me to be less than the intent..A more jubilent phrase would fit the lyrical feel better..Something like.."Oh I felt this all happen"..Im Like Chris on the true thing.How about ...You give me love ,Life and peace and hope{s} anew...Just Ideas.Good luck

Should I be worried that the Devill is giving me constructive Idea's on my spiritual lyrics???:confused:

Thanks for the thoughts. You guys have actually hit the 2 spots I was wanting to rearrange, so my faith in this site is just strengthened once again.:) I will use these Ideas and see what I come up with and probobly post the rearranged lyrics soon. But if anyone else has an idea please feel free to share!


Everything the same exept 2nd verse (and I am still missing a line)

A new reality is right before my eyes
With the spirit of God indwelling I see right through the lies
Finally I know what it is, to be in love with you
You are my life my truth -------- ----------------

I am also not sure what order the lines should go in. The last 2 lines of the verse crescendo into the chorus, so probably the 2 most intense lines should go last, but I am not sure which are more intense.....Suggestions?
"A new light before my eyes"..."You are my love my life my hope and truth"......You know the Devil was Gods right hand man..LOL
By the way I have a small contract that I'de like you sign...

Outstanding job. I have no problem with double meanings. It gives the listener a chance for a "Buy-In" to put their own spin on the meaning and make it their own.
writeon and on.......chazba