lyrics of a ghost


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the water keeps on pouring in, its sure to sink us now
and when the glass is empty, we'll keep on going down
and when we've hit the bottom we'll discover what we've found before,
the surface opens up again like a never ending floor

you'll come across so many things, but none will be the same, i thought things couldn't get weirder when a ghost called my name

excuse me if i scared you, but i dont know who i am..i tried to ask a doctor but he nearly pissed his pants
the weathers getting colder, but i just dont seem to freeze, help me now help me now help me if you'll please

considering the situation i was feeling kind of spooked, but i offered my suggestion "here's what you can do"
"its really quite simple, you just need to believe" so he drifted off with a hollow smile saying "oh you see right through me"
Had a serious tone in the first verse but then get hilarious after that....

(for example) but he nearly pissed his pants.....

Cool.....what kind of music are you going to put this to?

:) :D :) :D :cool: :cool:
Likewise, the pissed his pants line doesn't really fit, I don't think. Maybe a different way of saying the same thing would work better?
Pee in the pants never works for me. I like the lyric except for that last half line.

"I asked my family doctor and he said my name was Spam." or something equally ridiculous would suit me better for that ending line in this song. As always, just my .02 - Just trying to be helpful. Cool tune, keep working it. ;)